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Oxygen can come from a high-pressure cylinder and, in some cases, like dentist offices, may, in fact, be connected directly to the equipment that touches the patient. Most hospitals and even medical buildings have an oxygen supply that comes from a tank of liquid oxygen stored in a specialized location. This tank is often stored outside the building.

Commonly, in the back of the hospital, you will see a very tall white tank connected to pipes at the bottom and surrounded by a fence. This tank contains hundreds of gallons of liquid oxygen. A hospital is required to have a minimum of one days supply on hand and a backup supply of one normal day should the main system fail to sustain patients, giving them time to fix or replace the primary oxygen supply. 


Cylinders of oxygen are identifiable by their color (green by US, white by EU, and blue some other countries), label, and unique gas-specific connection fitting. They may be connected to a manifold and then to a master alarm and control valves and gauges. Some organizations use small tanks of liquid oxygen, commonly referred to as dewars or cyros, that function similarly to large outdoor tanks but can be inside the building in a specialized room.


Once the oxygen is in the piped gas system, it follows through a special copper pipe that has to be brazed together in a nitrogen atmosphere. These oxygen pipes in the walls and ceilings of the hospital deliver pure oxygen to the outlets on the wall we are used to seeing. Before the oxygen gets to those outlets, it is valved, gauged, and alarmed one or two more times.


We BAWMED manufactured different kinds of medical gas outlet and fittings which can both meets NFPA and EN standard.


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